Monster Hunter 3U weapons that look like every day items

Mar 20, 2014 // Yuri Araujo

— WARNING! Lot’s of GIFs ahead —

From swords covered in molten lava to hammers that are just a dragon’s head,  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ‘s got the badass weapon design department covered.

But sometimes you just want to prove your worth by hunting with a set of utensils! Check out some of the weapons in  MH3U that are straight-up every day items.

Oh, and here I am experimenting with GIFs again . I’ve made GIFs for ALL of these, so be sure to click the given links to see them all.   EDIT: by popular demand, I’ve put all the GIFs here, so no more need for clicking links. 😉

Glutton Tools – the traidional Fork & Knife

Stewbry Stirfoils – hey, ladles actually hurt!

Cornpopper – a Gunlance that really “pops”

Frozen Speartuna – you shouldn’t play with your food

Usurper’s Tremor – Zinogre’s bike frame, ’nuff said

Hairtail’s Hairblade – you shouldn’t be playing with your food v2

Sharq Byte – “you’re gonna need a bigger boat”

Black Coffin – creeeeeppyyyy… and the sound it makes? *cringes*

Seahorse Harp – what does a seahorse sound like?

Voltage Verve – note the analog pipes, making it a totally feasible instrument

Vicello Nulo – this one is a bit flashy, but still very much a big cello

Hunter Rifle – a regular rifle

Empress’s Garden – a sniper rifle

God’s Island ( GIF ) – some sort of musket

Gourd Shot – a gourd, which is actually gun in this game; makes sense, right?

Type 46 Gunflage I – Niblesnarf’s grenade launcher-looking gun

Vulcannon – I’ve got nothing

Hope you enjoyed these, but let me know what you think because I’m thinking of doing more stuff like this (GIFs!) in the future. =)