Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate playable at New York Comic Con
Oct 02, 2012 // Yuri Araujo
Got your New York Comic Con tickets yet? You might want to rush and get the last few Friday tickets before they run out, because Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ( 3DS ) will be playable there!
What – you’re not a big fan of playing games in the show-floor? … I can understand that – and that’s why we have a separate room ! So aside from the show-floor units, we’ll bring some for you to try out in a more chill environment. Plus, we’ll have tables and power strips so you can bring your favorite portable Monster Hunter games and just hunt and make new local hunting buddies.
One more thing: we’re planning some competition with some great prizes to spice things up… so start looking up old videos of competition that happened in Japan a while back; that’s what I used for inspiration. =)
Look out for another post in the coming days with more details of the schedule and prizes. But all in all, this is a great chance to get some hands-on time with the 3DS version of the game!