Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate invades the Miiverse Community
Apr 02, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
So Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate came out two weeks ago and with it, the Wii U Miiverse Community for the game also went live. And you know what they say: “with a great game, comes a great community”… or something like that.
Either way, here’s some awesome stuff I saw at the MH3U Miiverse today:
There’s a couple more images here in this gallery , and I’ll try to keep it updated with some of my favorites, but please share some of your favorites too! I’d be happy to compile them into a blog post… maybe a weekly series? Let me know what you think.
And if you have a Wii U, be sure to check out the Miiverse Community. It’s not all about funny drawings. There’s a ton of activity there, from people asking for help, asking questions and even those bragging about their new weapon and armor sets. It’s kind of like our forums, come to think of it… but you can only post 100 characters at a time.
Or draw an awesome picture; and maybe tag it with a reference to Capcom Unity? (hint, hint)