Monster Appreciation Day: Yian Kut-ku
Mar 23, 2011 // Snow
We’re starting our third weekly Monster Appreciation Day. We took out Giadrome, we hunted masses of Daimyo Hermitaurs, and now we’re moving on to a fan favorite, Yian Kut-ku ! We’re going to be “appreciating” this monster by hunting the crap out of him in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. The whole day we’ll hunt lovely Kut-kus of all forms (including the Blue sub-species ), use it’s armor and weapons, there will be a thread in the Monster Hunter Forums to share kill photos, stories, videos, fan art, and anything related to that monster. We’ll also have a Ustream at 3:00pm PST until 4:00pm, which you can join us online on the PSN in Adhoc Part room A40. Look for PSN ID Snow_Infernus.
“Yian Kut-Ku are the weakest of the boss wyverns, but they are rather fast. Many hunters defeat the Kut-Ku as their first wyvern. While experienced hunters usually have no challenge in defeating it, first-timers may have some difficulty due to the Kut-Ku’s speed.
They are belligerent towards hunters, and use their Fire attacks and pecks to defend their territory. If attacked before fully landing, it may opt to circle the area and swoop down on its foes. Though their attacks and speed make them more formidable than other small-sized monsters, they leave themselves open to attack more often than the average wyvern.
Due to their highly developed ears, Yian Kut-Ku have exceptional hearing. Their ears are effective for hearing prey and enemies outside their range of sight, but because of their oversensitivity, they are also vulnerable to explosive sounds. Dizzied upon hearing an explosive sound, Yian Kut-Ku are stunned and become open to attack, but may become enraged once the dizziness subsides. Its ears will break when the sustain enough damage, but once its ears are broken, the Yian Kut-Ku is no longer as susceptible to explosive sounds.”
Hop over to the Monster Hunter Wiki for weapons, armors, info, and lots more!