MMLC Robot Master List: Bright Man
Jul 29, 2015 // GregaMan
Number: DWN-025
Weapon: Flash Stopper
Weakness: Rain Flush
Emits light at ten million watts. Those who see the light become unable to move. As long as you avoid that, he’s not that hard to defeat.
Time to kick off the roster for Mega Man 4 (my fave!), starting with Bright Man! Like so many of the Robot Masters, Bright Man began with a noble cause—to illuminate and explore darkened areas—only to be corrupted by the nefarious man with the mustache. Now, only Mega Man can put a stop to his bulb-themed havoc.
Bright Man may not be the most intimidating Robot Master at first glance thanks to his “bulbous” physique and the enormous lightbulb crown. He looks less like a futuristic warrior and more like a guy who’s constantly coming up with good ideas. But any robot caught looking at that bulb when it flashes will be temporarily stunned, thanks to a safety device built into their eye cameras. This opens them up to further punishment by way of Bright Man’s arm cannon. The cur!
Use Toad Man’s Rain Flush to short out that pesky bulb and put a stop to Bright Man once and for all(?). Then, the Flash Stopper will be yours for trolling ‘bots in future encounters!
Adam “Heat Man” Anania, formerly of The Mega Man Network
Bright Man was the first Robot Master I ever beat in Mega Man 4, and I remember it being grueling. Contact damage in 4 is cruel, and the last thing you needed was Bright Man freezing you and then jumping on your head for one fourth your life. But despite that, he might be my favorite Robot Master in the game. He’s neat looking, has a giant light bulb, and his face resembles Heat Man’s.
But what is with that stage? You’d think it’s supposed to be a power plant or something, but maybe it’s supposed to be some kind of insect sanctuary? It’s filled with robot bugs! And those parts where you’re riding on mechanical grasshoppers over spikes, shooting at totem poles… The thought process that goes into such a thing bewilders me. And yet it’s so charmingly “Mega Man.”