MM9 Kits for Unity Members!
Oct 02, 2008 // Snow
I’m sure most of you have already noticed that we’ve started giving out redeemable codes for Mega Man 9 Press / Asset Kits… We’ve been selecting some of the most active Mega Man fans right here on Unity to get these rare items. Check your private messages for the code, you may have been one of the lucky few!
We still have more codes to give out, so check your messages frequently! Show us you’re a Mega Man fan through ‘n through . Aside from giving out more codes, we’ll be making a few available through the store in time. You may find it hidden in the store now, but it’s priced extremely high. Don’t worry though, those receiving codes are getting a major discount. Which is a far cheaper price than you’ll find anywhere else .
So if you’re still hoping for a code to get your hands on one of these cartridges, there’s still hope! Be an active fan here on Unity, and you may win our hearts!