MM10 leaderboard update – Nitro Man PS3
Nov 15, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Assuming you’re not already playing a PS4, fire up that ol’ PS3 and send Nitro Man packing!
THIS WEEK : Nitro Man, PS3 (Capcom_Unity)
DEADLINE: Friday, Nov 22 @ 10:00am Pacific
Each Wednesday I’ll promote the current top time, so you’ll know how close/far you are from winning that week.
We’ll alternate platforms each week, so while you know PS3 is coming up next, you won’t know which stage is the target until noon each Friday. If you win, you are ineligible for further prizes in this contest (gotta spread the love!).
We can only ship to North America.
Please read the complete rules (and the general contest rules ) for further details.
As for last week’s Commando Man 360 challenge…
ZetaPyro sneaks in for a last-minute victory! MEGA MAN was on top Wednesday but narrowly missed taking home one of my few remaining MM25 statues. Don’t worry though – there’s still one more chance to win via the 360 leaderboard!