MH4U Starter Pack: free items and a “Super” surprise

Feb 13, 2015 // Yuri Araujo

Just as you thought Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate was already perfect, here’s another bonus for those of you who jump in early: starting on February 13 th (release date) until March 15 th you can download a free item pack including a selection of handy items and a little something special…

After you get your game, you should head to the Nintendo eShop and download the Patch 1.1 item listed there; that’s our free gift for you. But what exactly comes in this nice little present? Lots of super useful items! Here’s the list:

Mega Potion         x50
Honey                  x30
Mega Dash Juice   x15
Well-done Steak   x30
Max Potion           x10
Lifepowder           x20
Ancient Potion      x5
Flash Bomb          x30
Sonic Bomb          x30
Pitfall Trap            x15
Shock Trap           x15
Super Mushroom  x6

It’s a pretty handy pack, wouldn’t you say? Oh, what’s that last one…? Super Mushroom, huh?

Well, that’s our little surprise gift for you! With those 6 Super Mushroom units you can walk up to the smithy (after completing the first 2 Capital “C” Challenges from the Caraveneer) and craft either the Mario or Luigi outfits for your Palico as well as 1 matching Invincible Hammer!


So if you’re reading this because you just got your copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and are ready to claim your free Starter Pack, including the Super Mario Bros. collaboration items, here’s a little guide on how to get make sure you get everything:


–          Internet connection

–          A copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

–          A save file with at least one hunter created


1)      Go to the Nintendo eShop

2)      Download and install Patch 1.1

3)      Load Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

4)      Go to “Your House”

5)      Talk to the “Housekeeper”

6)      Select “Downloadable Content”

7)      Go to the “Gift Area” option

8)      Download the Starter Pack

9)      Exit the Download Menu

10)    Check your Item Box

Alright, now you should have your full Starter Pack with all of the items I told you about earlier in this post!


Now that you’ve downloaded all your items, it’s time to get that special little bonus we’ve packed in for you: the Super Mario Bros. Palico gear.


With the 6x Super Mushrooms, you can only make 1 set of Palico gear, so choose carefully between either Mario or Luigi. Later on, we will release the DLC quest that will allow you to make the other set of armor.


–          Complete the first two quests from the Caravaneer – the Capital “C” Challenges

–          Talk to your Ace Palico and make sure it is set to “Deploy” on Palico Board

–          Buy 3 x Large Barrel from the Val Habar market (630z)

–          1300 z (Head 400z, Body 400z, Weapon 500z)

–          6x Super Mushrooms (comes with the Starter Pack)


1)      Download the Starter Pack (see above)

2)      Talk to the Smithy (The Man)

3)      Select “Forge Palico Gear”

4)      Select “Weapon”, then “Invincible Hammer”

5)      Select “Head”, then “Mario Cap”  or  “Luigi Cap”

6)      Select “Chest”, then “Mario overalls”  or  “Luigi overalls”

Okay, now you have everything you need. To equip all this gear, head to Your House, walk over to the Palico Board and select “Manage Equipment”.

All set then! Enjoy your useful item pack and your special new Palico gear. Happy hunting! =)