MH4U new monster subspecies: Berserk Tetsucabra, Ash Kecha Wacha and more
Jan 02, 2015 // Yuri Araujo
Happy New Year, hunters! Here are 4 new monsters you’ll get to fight in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate this year!
Throughout 2014, we talked about a variety of brand new monsters introduced in the fourth generation of the Monster Hunter series; but did you know even new monsters get their own subspecies? Most of them will be waiting for you at G-Rank , but here’s what they look like.
And I should note that I won’t be talking too much about them right now, since most of us haven’t even hunted the regular species yet.
Berserk Tetsucabra
A Tetsucabra so fierce it can bite into explosive rocks!
Ash Kecha Wacha
Imagine the regular Kecha Wacha… but with the ability to spit fire!
Tigerstripe Zamtrios
This one you may remember from our event demos; we even live streamed it before. Essentially a Zamtrios that can go between its various forms at any time and can paralyze you!
Ruby Basarios
While not a subspecies of a new monster, this is the first time the Basarios gets a subcpecies. Watch out for those ruby crystals… they look like they can break off. 😉
That’s all for now. Keep your eyes open for more Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate news in the coming weeks and be sure to pre-order your copy today!