MH3U Event Quests DLC for 5/21 – Livestream at 1pm PT
May 21, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Ready for some more Savage Deviljho action?? I’m probably not… only fought that thing once! Regardless, today’s DLC quests are up and waiting for you, and we’ll be livestreaming at 1pm PT them for your viewing pleasure – especially if you like watching me fail quests. Again, I’ve got pretty much no experience with this beast, so it’s best to be honest.
EDIT: So it turns out I couldn’t do the Savage Deviljho challenge because I’m not HR8 yet =/
Still, we did last week’s “An Onimous Cry” Event Quest featuring a G-Rank Qurupeco and a Savage Deviljho – check it out here: www.twitch.tv/capcomunity/b/406512897
And for more awesome DLC, we have The Mountain in the Desert quest, which is a friendly G-Rank Rust Duramboros. The twist here? Besides its McTwist skateboard-like moves, you’ll it is way larger than usual… G-Rank Giant-Rust Duram… I’m sure there’s something there.
Lastly, make sure to get the Additional Special Goods from the Granny Go-to! They are good , special and additional ! Don’t miss out!