MH3U Escapist giveaway sweepstakes and livestream happening right now

Jun 19, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

Oh look! One more chance to win a free copy of  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (plus a few other things)! And all you have to do is sign up through The Escapist’s sweepstakes page and hope for the best… but while you’re there, stop by their livestream and watch a couple of hunts.

This is a great opportunity for those of you who haven’t yet joined the thousands of other hunters in  MH3U , but also a unique chance to get some pretty neat items, such as:

– a MH lanyard
– a MH3U T-shirt
– a blind-box figure
– and a meat-shaped pillow? yes, a meat pillow!

Just remember that the sweepstakes is U.S. only…

Good luck!