Metal Gear Solid In Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Sep 19, 2010 // jgonzo

This feels weird…normally Snow would be filling you in on the latest Monster Hunter news, but since he is officially on vacation, you’ve got me! 

Siliconera is reporting that Capcom Japan just announced a special Metal Gear Solid crossover in the latest (Japan-only) Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. You may recall that previously, Monster Hunter had invaded the world of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. It seems that now Capcom Japan will be using Metal Gear Solid outfits to decorate your hunters in, as well as Metal Gear related Felyne accesories. 

As always, no word yet on US plans for Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, unfortunately. 

More information can be found over at Siliconera !

Thanks Zonic for the tip!