Members vs. Mods Resurrection
Apr 12, 2013 // GregaMan
Got some time this weekend? Got Darkstalkers Resurrection? If so, come join us for the “resurrection” of staple Unity event “Members vs. Mods”! All you have to do is go to the event’s explanation post , add the GamerTag/PSN ID of your Capcom Unity moderator or staff member of choice (add all of us if you like!), and look for us online during the event. Simply challenge one of us to a match to participate.
The event will run two nights in a row–tonight and tomorrow night. Times are flexible, and you can expect different mods/staffers to be online at different times. Word has it, ComboFiend might even show up at some point. But tune in anywhere between 5pm PT and midnight either night and you’re likely to find opponents.
If you participate, be sure to take note of who your opponent was, then let us know your GamerTag/PSN ID in the original thread (see link above), and you’ll receive a rad badge!
Hope to see you there!
::Big thanks to the awesome mods for organizing this event and creating all the cool accompanying art!!::