Members vs. Mods Origins
May 31, 2013 // GregaMan
If you’re looking for something to do before our Capcom Arcade Cabinet Slumber Party launches tonight at 8pm PT, you can throw down in Marvel vs. Capcom Origins and show our very own Unity moderators a thing or two about heroism. Yes, it’s time for another Members vs. Mods. The event starts this evening (mods will sign on throughout the evening as they are located in various time zones and have varying availability), and run until question mark! If you miss out tonight, they’ll be doing it all again tomorrow, June 1st.
All you gotta do to take part is add the PSN or Xbox Live account of the mod whose lobby you want to join, send him/her a PM over the service (PSN or XBL) at the time you want to play, and they’ll add you to their lobby. After participating in the event, make a post in this thread stating your PSN or XBL account along with what mod you played against, and we’ll give you a shiny new Unity badge
Hit the jump to see what mods are in!
PlayStation 3 Mods
Deva Ashera (PSN ID: FightingRPG)
Shinkuu Kikoken (PSN ID: Astz123)
Moropa (PSN ID: Moropa)
WickedElement (PSN ID: WickedElement)
Scuttlest: (PSN ID: Scuttlest)
Xbox 360 Mods
Yama (GamerTag: yamayamayaamaa)
Espiownage (GamerTag: Espiownage1337)
TwiGGy (GamerTag: HodgetimusPrime)
Dios X (Gamertag: Dios X Reloaded)
Big thanks to the mods once again for making this happen, and particularly to Deva Ashera for setting up the event thread =D