MegaManniversary sale discounts six games across the eShop, plus Mega Man Zero comes to Wii U
Dec 17, 2014 // Minish Capcom
To celebrate 27 years o’ the Blue Bomber, the North American Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShops are discounting a great selection of classic titles until 12/22.
The following games are up to 50% off from now until 12/22 8:59pam PT:
Mega Man II GB ($1.49)
Mega Man III GB ($1.49)
Mega Man IV GB ($1.49)
And for a quick reminder about these three titles (plus MMV) check this video I put together for their launch back in Mega May:
And then hop over to your TV to check out these deals:
Wii U
Mega Man 5 NES ($2.49)
Mega Man 6 NES ($2.49)
Mega Man 7 SNES ($3.99)
And to cap off the 27th anniversary eShop festivities, GBA classic Mega Man Zero is available on Wii U… NOW! Why wait for the usual Thursday??