Mega Ran tackles classic Wily Castle song, celebrates five years of remixes
Jun 13, 2012 // Minish Capcom
If you had to lock down one Mega Man track as “the” song of the series (which is just about impossible to do, by the way), I imagine after much arguing we would all arrive at Wily’s Castle from Mega Man 2. Its intense immediacy gets your robo-blood pumping and helps set the tone for the last chunk of the game.
Naturally it’s been remixed countless times, but today, at long last, Mega Ran has offered his take on this timeless piece of music.
You can head to his bandcamp page for the full download details. The Wily track is merely the first new single from his 5th Anniversary album, which, as you’ll see on his site, can be bundled with his very first:
28 tracks, containing the original Mega Ran album with new songs, and instrumental versions of each. Physical CDs come with a new signed poster. Digital download includes special commentary on the album. Thank you for 5 years of Mega Madness!
*All purchases get a link to the ORIGINAL Mega Ran album FREE!*