Mega May 2015 brings four GBA titles to Wii U – vote for the first release
Apr 15, 2015 // Minish Capcom
About a year ago we teamed up with Nintendo of America to bring you Mega May , a month-long block of Virtual Console releases starring everyone’s favorite Blue Bomber. A big part of Mega May was asking you guys which game you wanted to play first, and then releasing it as May begins.
We’re set to do that again, this time with an all-GBA lineup!
Six classic Game Boy Advance titles are at your fingertips – which would you like to play on May 7? Vote in our poll and the winner will appear on the first Thursday of the month, with the rest of the lineup releasing chronologically each week.
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue/White
Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun / Blue Moon
The poll will run from April 15 through midnight April 29 – that’s two full weeks!