Mega Man Zero Collection Art Contest: Week One Winner & Entries
May 19, 2010 // jgonzo
The winner of the Mega Man Zero Collection Art Contest: Week One is Audrey with her AMAZING piece seen above!
How did we judge? Snow and I from the community team were joined by mikeeb from marketing and bastion from creative services (he had previously doled out some very useful art collaboration advice) in judging the entries. We each chose our top 3 independently and I compared all four lists to see if any entry was unanimously at the top of our lists. There could only be one winner, so congrats again to Audrey ! Please send me a PM with your mailing address!
Bastion: This piece just struck me immediately. The colors are great. The layout is interesting and the use of a forced perspective is dynamic. All-around an extremely well thought out and executed piece.
Mikeeb: WOW! First look at this picture just floored me. Amazing detail on the characters (especially Ciel) and really awesome design including the guardians.
jgonzo: I am stunned at how beautiful this piece looks! It really brings out the emotions from the characters and is just all around spectacular! The look on Ciel’s face is almost heartbreaking.
As always, you can head on over to the forums to discuss any of these pieces in detail, and maybe even interactwith the artists!
Thanks to everyone who entered! You folks are amazing!
Hit the jump to see our runner up, special mentions, and ALL of the entries for this contest!
Bastion: I love the specific style and interesting layout. There is a lot going on without feeling cluttered yet you can still get lost in looking at each of the elements.
Mikeeb: Where were you during our T-shirt contest!? lol, I love the layout and design of this… the colors really pop!
jgonzo: I LOVE this art style! It reminds me of some of the best art that I’ve seen in comic books, and there’s something incredibly whimsical and magical about it! The layout is also very original. Very professional looking!
snow: I want this on a shirt. Please. Make me this shirt.
Special Mentions
bastion: A striking style that re-imagines the Zero character in a stark and gritty way. This is a great interpretation of the character with a strong use of color and composition.
mikeeb: REALLY awesome paint representation of the Leviathan encounter… one of my favorite parts!
jgonzo: A truly epic piece for an epic hero! I really like the dramatic pose and style.
Snow: I love the simplicity. The minimalistic design draws you in, forcing you to focus harder on the piece. In turn, you start to realize the more complex details that aren’t immediately apparent in the faded color and purposely worn style.
Snow: The monochromatic scheme using the faint glowing green to highlight and draw your eye immediately caught my attention. It takes a real artist to compose a piece that allows your eye to flow through the whole composition, and this artist nailed it.
Snow: The mixed media style really shines with this particular piece. Not only is it great art, it tells a story.
Which one is your favorite?