Mega Man/Sonic Worlds Collide interview
Apr 30, 2013 // Minish Capcom
We’re just two issues into the massive “Worlds Collide” crossover story (part three hits comic shops tomorrow!) and we already have a lengthy interview about the story, courtesty of Game Informer.
“It was kind of like a dream come true,” Flynn says. “You would think getting two companies to come together with these long and revered franchises, it would be hard to get them to play ball with one another. But Capcom who initiated, Sega was immediately cool with it, and we just ran with it.”
The 12-issue Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide crossover runs are already underway and it runs through August. It takes place across the Sonic the Hedgehog (#248, #249, #250, #251), Sonic Universe (#51, #52, #53, #54), and Mega Man (#24, #25, #26, #27) comic lines. Flynn and Kaminski promise fans are in for a wild ride even if they haven’t been keeping up with the blue heroes’ comic exploits.
“If all you know about Sonic and Mega Man are the games, you’ll be able to pick up and jump into this story no problem whatsoever,” Flynn says. “Hopefully you will enjoy how we tell those stories and you’ll stick around for when we get back to the regular continuity when the crossover is finished.”