Mega Man Remix Album is Stunningly Great
Dec 14, 2009 // jgonzo
UPDATE 2: Mainfinger (the person who wrote the original artical on MMN) has asked for permission to mirror the files which can now be found here .
Generally, when you think about Mega Man fan-made music, it’s usually a pretty high energy affair . However, artist ilp0 has done a wonderful and amazing thing in that he recently released a fairly mellow and brilliant Mega Man 1 soundtrack remix. The Mega Man Network discovered this jewel when they were sifting through OverClocked ReMix’s 10 year celebration and discovered ilp0’s ” Cutman’s Lullaby ” as one of 10 newly released tracks revealed for the occasion.
I have to say, this has got to be one of my personal favorite remixes for the Blue Bomber and it’s definitely worth a listen (if anything, check out the sublime Cutman’s Lullaby from the link above). You can check out the entire album for free here .
After having yourself a listen, come back and let us know what you think in the comments.