Mega Man Legends Game Club #6 Today
Apr 15, 2011 // GregaMan
::Update:: Man, that girigiri-victory made me very happy. I’d like to thank all those who never lost faith in me, and also Roll for making me that Active Buster.
If you missed the stream, you can still check out the vid after the jump!
We meet again, Mega Man Legends stream. I know you’ve been missing me, because I’ve been missing you.
But for those who have neither been missing me nor know what this is, allow me to elaborate. Starting at 3:30 p.m. today (Pacific Standard Time), Capcom Unity’s own Snow and I will be continuing our ongoing chronicle of the Playstation One game, Mega Man Legends. This had been put on temporary hiatus due to a beverage-on-gear-related mishap, but spills dry out in time, my friends! Spills dry out in time.
Live chat after the jump. Give us your cheers, your jeers, your untold fears.