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Mega Man Legends 3 Dev Room Event #3: The Townspeople

Dec 07, 2010 // jgonzo

Just a quick reminder that you can still rate the Event #2 Bonne Mecha proposals until this Wednesday, Dec 8th at 12PM PST! And nope, we’re not taking a break! We’re steamrolling right into Event #3 just in time for the holiday season! This event is also more tailored for those of you with writing skills, so you artists can take a breather 🙂

For Event #3, the Dev Room team needs your help with the townspeople! We’re offering you TWO ways to participate; with Type 1 ,you can write the name, background, and dialogue for the townspeople, or Type 2 , a much easier affair that has you writing a line of dialogue for one of three topics!

If you need a history lesson in the story of Legends, you can check out this quick handy write up

Finally, check out some tips for this event from level design planner, Hajime Horiuchi!

Of course, you can check this all out by heading on over to the dev room !