Mega Man Legacy Collection Art Contest – six winners get a copy of game
Jul 10, 2015 // Minish Capcom
It’s generally agreed that MM2~6 fared much better, with art that eventually became on-model and truly indicative of Mega Man’s adventures. And this wasn’t a North American-only event – Europe too had its share of wacky images.
Now’s the time to sort of “re-imagine” those original six covers by submitting your very own version!
CONTEST RULES: From now until August 14th, you can email one entry to contest@capcom.com (labeled MMLC ART CONTEST) and be entered for a chance to win one of six copies of the game. We will notify winners by September 4th, 2015 at the latest. Please submit an entry that depicts your ideal Mega Man box / key art, choosing one of the six Mega Man games collected in MMLC.
As a way to grease the inspirational wheels, I’ve worked with artist Chamba to dream up six new pieces of art that could act as “new” key art for Mega Man 1~6.
Mega Man 1
For Mega Man 1, I wanted to show an actual weakness being exploited, since that’s a key feature of the game and one that’s rarely referenced in art. If this were 1987, perhaps a young Brelston would have noticed Cut Man’s look of terror as Guts Man’s Super Arm hurls a rock his way. Why is Cut Man in Guts Man’s stage though? Shhhhh….
Mega Man 2
Quick Man was present in the classic North American box art (where Dr Light is ordering Crash Man to fight Mega Man??), but here we can see him zipping around his laser-filled lair. Metal Man and Crash Man – two other favorites – are also swooping in.
Here’s a clean version of the logo, too:
Now – let’s see some of yours! Submit an entry to contest@capcom.com by August 14. P lease read up on the full, official rules as well . This is open to NA and EU!
Next Friday – a look at Mega Man 3!