Mega Man D-Arts survey asks for your favorite Mega Man characters
Apr 29, 2013 // GregaMan
See what I did there? Because you see, Rock Man.
Anyway. You may have already caught wind of this over on The Mega Man Network, and don’t think I’m not salty about that. But in case you haven’t, our friend Ucchy over at official Japanese Mega Man blog Rockman Unity recently posted a big ol’ survey to see what Mega Man characters you’d like to see made into awesome D-Arts figures. Full details and a translation guide after the jump!
D-Arts, mind you, is Bandai’s awesome figure line responsible for such masterpieces as the sinister, drinking Vile and saber-wielding Zero pictured below.
They’ve now called upon fans to submit their votes for the next Mega Man figure to be created. Mind you, there’s no guarantees attached here, but it’s good to know that they’re looking for feedback. I’ve even received an explicit request for feedback from overseas folks (that’s us!).
To begin the survey, go here ! Voting is open until 5/16 (Japan time) and you can vote for up to three characters. It’s a pretty straightforward survey, but for your convenience, I’ve created a little translation guide below. Happy voting!
↑ Choose three characters from the massive list above. Or write in your own!