Mega Man comics kick off the long awaited return of Unity Points
Feb 01, 2013 // Minish Capcom
After a lon(nnnnnn)g hiatus, Unity Points are about to come back in a big way. Today we’re holding our first Unity Point raffle just to make sure the ol’ girl still functions as expected, and then after that… well we have some fun stuff planned for the rest of the year. But for now, we have the first three Mega Man graphic novels ready for your points!
Just register, head to the Unity Points page and enter – we will ship anywhere for this one 🙂
If you’re new-ish around here, maybe you’re asking, “WTF are Unity Points?” Welp, they’re a sort of website currency exclusive to Capcom Unity. After you’ve registered and logged in, click that Dashboard button on the top bar and you’ll come to the screen you see above. From there, you can access many points of the site, including the carousel of latest stories, the latest forum posts from the groups and friends you follow and, if you see it in the right column, your Unity Point and Unity Raffle boxes. “My Spendable Points” is the key number – that’s how many you can throw at our upcoming raffles.
Clicking on “Unity Points” takes you to this page. There you’ll see your point totals, plus your progress on your Unity rank (more on that in a sec). Here you’ll be able to see which raffles and auctions you’ve entered, plus click “View Prize Catalog” to directly view and manage your raffle entries. Or you can click on this link and save that URL!
How do you GET points? By contributing to the site, of course. Just by being active, you can earn points good for all time – join game Groups, write reviews on your blog, post in the forums, comment on our posts etc, plus some other ways we’ll activate in the future. Better yet, if you send us a PM with a story we end up using on the blog, we’ll award you bonus points! (But, fair warning, breaking the ToS or harassing folks will result in LOSING points, so keep that in mind before creating duplicate threads, spamming, cussing people out, professing your love for Fox Hunt etc).
Eagle-eyed Uniteers may have noticed their Rank has changed as well. Notice my current rank in that image above is “Canine Warrior.” Welp, GregaMan and I retooled the point values for ranks, plus gave every rank an all-new name. Even those at the tip-top level can look forward to gaining more ranks, as we’ve raised the cap. Just to get things started, here’s the first 10 ranks, but what could the top rank be?
Bolt Dragon
Red Arremer
Snow Pirate
Robot Master
World Warrior
Son of Sparda
So, check back on Monday for the results of this initial raffle, and then shortly after that we’ll kick off a much bigger initiative that’ll last the whole year. We’ll tweak the process and other stuff as we go, but all in all we’re really happy to bring this feature back to Unity!