Mega Man Birthday Celebration Broadcast Now Archived
Dec 23, 2009 // jgonzo
If you missed the live broadcast of Mega Man’s 22nd Birthday (which had over 100,000 viewers!), Stickam has archived the footage so you can catch up. You can watch it in English (parts one and two ) or Japanese (parts one and two ).
After you watch it, be sure to stop by our thread in the forums here and let us know what you thought.
The live broadcast featured Keiji Inafune (creator of Mega Man), Hironobu Takeshita (producer of Mega Man 10), and Hitoshi Ariga (artist on Mega Man Megamix Manga) as they debuted the official Mega Man 10 trailer , the top 3 winners of our Mega Man Tribute Contest, gameplay footage of Mega Man 10, a highlight video of the E-tank event in Los Angeles, the official Mega Man 10 website , and more!
English translation was provided by our good friends from the Japanese localization team Miguel Corti and Ben Judd (I’ll forgive them for not knowing if I was a male or a female…maybe).
At any rate, enjoy!