Mega Man 9 opening cinematic in full retro 8-bit glory
Aug 13, 2008 // Kramez
Dateline 20XX: Don’t be alarmed, folks. After viewing the video above, you might be concerned that your browser has accidentally connected to some sort of pre-Al Gore internet of the early 80s, but that is not the case; This is still 2008 and this is for really-reals a new Mega Man game. The Game Trailers crew caught the opening intro to Mega Man 9 and have graciously opted to pick up the incoming bandwidth onslaught so we don’t have to (god bless you, little embed code). If you’re trying to keep the MM9 story and experience pure, do not click on the video. However, if you love Mega Man and all things retro, your hand has literally been forced by a power greater than your own. Dr. Wily, why you gotta be such a hater alla time?
Bonus: sneaky Chun-Li cameo.
Bonus-bonus: Can you figure out why Dr. Wily’s Swiss bank account number is clever?