Mega Man 7 stream tomorrow, cool mega-goodies could be yours
Jul 26, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Wow, July already? Seems like only yesterday we kicked off a year of Mega Man streams in the leadup to the Blue Bomber’s 25th anniversary in December. This being the seventh month in the year means it’s time for Mega Man 7, which, with its soul-crushingly difficult final boss, will test the limits of my on-screen composure.
But! Watch and enjoy my agony and you could win a copy of Rockman 7 or those two lovely ornaments!
To win:
Watch the stream on Twitch TV tomorrow, beginning at 2pm PT. Count how many times I die during the playthrough and then post a comment IN THIS ARTICLE detailing the number of deaths and how I died. Example: 1 – Shade Man, 2 – Pit, 3 – Pit, 4 – Spikes, 5 – Enemy and so on.
In your comment, state whether you want the game or the two ornaments. The first person to post the correct death count/details will win the specified prize.
Granted, you can’t necessarily play Rockman 7, but as a collector’s item it’s still quite desireable.
Both prizes come courtesy of Heat Man over at The Mega Man Network , who also gave us some cool Japanese swag for 5 and 6. Many thanks!