Mega Man 25th anniversary news and updates
Dec 17, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Happy Birthday, Mega Man! As we’ve said for the past few months, we have a handful of special announcements to share today in light of the Blue Bomber’s 25th anniversary. Check the links below:
Street Fighter X Mega Man now available for FREE
Mega Man 1 through 6 coming to 3DS eShop
Six new Mega Man shirts primed for Capcom Store
Mega Man, Robot Master Avatar goodies coming to Xbox 360
I’ll also mention the super-awesome D-Arts Mega Man figure is in talks to come over the to the US, as is the Rockman Complete Works 20+5 book. Neither have official dates or formal announcements just yet, but once I know the details they’ll be on here for sure.
Again, this is just the first blast of stuff we have for MM25; we’ll have additional news and information throughout 2013, and as always it’ll be on Unity first. More to come!