Mega Man 10 PSN Code Winners!
Mar 12, 2010 // jgonzo
Update: Bob and NewtypeSEED , your profiles were set to private so I couldn’t PM you. Please send ME a private message to collect your codes!
As promised , here are the ten winners of those ten Mega Man 10 codes, as well as their story ideas for the sequel! Congrats folks! You should be receiving the codes in your Capcom Unity message inboxes soon! If not, send me a private message!
Shin : Mega Man 11: Dr. Wily actually becomes a cyborg robot master has controlled Proto Man (again). 🙂
John : Okay, so in the next game, Dr. Wily gets elected president! (He rigged the election, of course!) So, his first official act is to order the destruction of Mega Man, who has been labeled a terrorist (due to acts committed by Wily’s new batch of Robot Masters). Can Mega Man stop Dr. Wily and clear his name? Find out in Mega Man 11!
Hit the jump to see the rest!
Lance : Mega must undertake a gauntlet of robots from the past and future in order to save his friends and family!
Carlos : How about Dr. Willy creates robot masters based on other CAPCOM franchises? Wolf woman (Okami), Kick Woman (Chun-li), Law Man (Phoneix), Bionic Man (BC), Zombie Man (RE) etc…. It would be pretty neat!
Senisan : I think the next Mega Man should instead be a spinoff starring Sheep Man. He is tasked with trying to save his sheep bot village from being “clipped” by the evil Razor Man. A desperate struggle indeed. He will come across an unlikely friend named Cotton and help him find his wearer. You will be able to summon allies such as Spark Man by rubbing your fur against static inducing surfaces. A game of love and loss called Sheep Man: The Static Adventure.
Zyzagon : Mega Man 11: Mega Man has to revisit levels of previous robots he destroyed in an attempt to reassemble them. Though forgetful, Mega Man is unable to aquire and remember all of the parts used to construct various robots and ends up with hodge-podge colage combination frankenstein robots which he then has to destroy…again. Think…Mega Man: Zombie Slayer. New bosses will then be rebuilt by an unnamed evil genius which turn out to be shadow clones of Mega Man, using Mega Man’s obtained abilities against him!
Ben : I think it’d be cool if they did something with the very first robot that was created. And that robot was controlling all of the bad robots and was the final boss, like an Apple 2 with feet, and you just have to shoot it once.
Bob : I think the next game should consist of ProtoMan’s programming becoming corrupted. He would work in league with Dr. Wiley for real (not a fake protoman like in MegaMan 5). There could be fights with Protoman in the progression of the game. Maybe he would weaken Mega Man, or steal his weapons, and mega man would have to regain his strength. In the end and final battle (after wiley’s defeat), will MegaMan bring Protoman back to Dr. Light for reprogramming? Will MegaMan finish off ProtoMan because he’s too dangerous? Only Capcom can decide.
Ed : I think a great storyline for the next magaman game should be a roll or protoman side story
NewtypeSEED : So maybe everyone wants “I want the next game to be the one that explains the connection to the X series.” Well, phooey I say! The next Mega Man game would be about a revived Gutsman who decides to build the tallest tower in the world (he IS a construction robot after all). The tower is constantly being built up until it gets to the point where debris from the construction is plummeting to Earth at dangerous speeds that could kill the innocent people below. But surprise, 8 robot masters have come to defend the tower! Not entirely sure what the point is for defending it’s construction and why it’s being built in the first place, Megaman sets out with Protoman and Bass to uncover the mystery.
Oh, and Duo should be the next DLC character. That is all.