Mega Man 10 leaderboard contest – Strike Man 360
Oct 25, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Xbox 360 players, you’re up! Add Minish Capcom to your friends list and get crackin’ on Strike Man’s stage! You’ve got until 10am FRIDAY 11/1 to top our leaderboards!
THIS WEEK: Strike Man, 360 (Minish Capcom)
DEADLINE: Friday, Nov 1 @ 10:00am Pacific
Keep yer eyes peeled for a midweek update on Wednesday – that’s when I’ll post the leaderboards as they look that morning, so you’ll know where you stand. Lagging behind? You’ve still got 48 hours to post a better time!
Please read the complete rules (and the general contest rules ) for further details.
And hats off to duckfist for walking away with the best Blade Man time! We’ll be sending you a PM via Capcom_Unity (PSN ID) for your name and address – congratulations!