Mega Man 10 leaderboard contest – 8 anniversary statues up for grabs
Oct 11, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Fancy yourself a Mega Man 10 pro? Then hop onto XBLA or PSN and show your Mega-skills by topping our leaderboard challenge! The prize? A $100-value MM25 anniversary statue!
Each Friday I’ll name an MM10 level on either Xbox 360 or PS3, and one week later the player with the best time (i.e. tops our “Friends” filter for MM10 ‘Time Attack’ rankings) will win a statue. That same Friday, a new level will be named and the challenge continues until all eight Robot Master levels of MM10 are completed. We will do FOUR levels on Xbox and FOUR levels on PS3.
To enter: Simply request “Minish Capcom” on Xbox 360 or “Capcom_Unity” on PS3; we may not accept right away, but rest assured we will add you before the deadline of 10:00am Pacific Time each Friday, at which time all of your entry times will display on our list. If we hit max cap on a Friends List, we will start removing people who have not been online for a week or more. We also may, at some point across the next eight weeks, have to purge the lists and request friends anew. Feel free to request again, but this gives us a chance to filter out those who are not participating.
THIS WEEK : Sheep Man, Xbox 360 (Minish Capcom)
DEADLINE: Friday, Oct 18 @ 10:00am Pacific
Each Wednesday I’ll promote the current top time, so you’ll know how close/far you are from winning that week.
We’ll alternate platforms each week, so while you know PS3 is coming up next, you won’t know which stage is the target until noon each Friday. If you win, you are ineligible for further prizes in this contest (gotta spread the love!).
We can only ship to North America.
Please read the complete rules (and the general contest rules ) for further details.
So yeah – looking forward to your top times! And it’s very likely we’ll stream / promote those top players’ recordings, so there’s bragging rights on top of the statue 🙂