Mega Man 10 Fan Art Collaboration Entry #6: Puuks and Trevor
Apr 05, 2010 // jgonzo
This week’s pairing for the Mega Man 10 Collaboration Contest comes from artists Puuks and Trevor . Puuks is a Robot Master contest veteran, having participated in all eight weeks worth of contests, whereas Trevor is a recent participant, having joined during the week of Solar Man. As you can see, their art styles meshed well together to produce this neat scene! I’m not sure I completely understand it (are Pump Man and Chill Man secret lovers? Are they going to be attacked by the other robot masters? Judging by the title, I’m assuming they’re getting caught by the other robot masters with their secret affair. OR, they can just be the only robot masters with human flesh and the other robot masters are some sort of zombie/robot hyrbids.) but it looks cool nonetheless!
Hit the jump to see more art from these two artists!
Puuks alternated comedy with more serious pieces, which shows you how ranged of an artist Puuks is! Check out how the Commando Man’s seriousness contrasts with Chill Man’s piece (my personal favorite of Puuk’s). Great job Puuks!
I wish that Trevor could have joined us from the beginning so that I can show more of his promising art! Even with this single piece, you can already tell that he’s got potential! Nice work!