Mega Man 10 Fan Art Collaboration Entry #5: Adam and Daniel
Apr 03, 2010 // jgonzo
Team Top Spin, consisting of Adam and Daniel , partnered up to create this latest entry in the Mega Man 10 Fan Art Collaboration Project. I would not have expected less from two artists that are known for their much-appreciated humor in their pieces. For those of you that don’t get it, this is a reference to the last few stages of Wily’s fortress in Mega Man 10! Great job, guys!
Hit the jump to see their previous individual entries from the Robot Master contests!
Daniel has been consistently putting out submissions week after week with his own, unique style and brand of humor. My favorite out of all of his has to be the one with Roll and Sheep Man…it’s just too adorable to not like!
Meanwhile, Adam is a relative newcomer to the art contest, but his last three pieces have been incredibly sharp: both in art style and his wit. His last piece showed an incredible evolution in his art style, as he put away the humor and focused completely on style. Overall, great job!