Mega Man 10 Commando Man Art Contest: Vote Now!

Jan 23, 2010 // jgonzo

Spectacular! How did everyone manage to submit such high quality stuff in such a short amount of time? Everyone did a fantastic job with this contest. Exciting stuff! Presenting (almost) FIFTY entries that we received: click here to view my Commando Man Photo Gallery (vote at the link below, though).

Many of you asked to be given a little bit more of a heads up and have asked for a clue as to the next robot master (which will be revealed on Monday, along with the winner of this weekly contest). As far as I know, this is completely possible. Never say that I didn’t give you folks anything.


Due to the sheer size of this poll, we had to outsource it to PollDaddy, so head on over to our poll here . Results will be posted on Monday! Don’t worry, IP and Cookie blocks are in place, so you may only vote once. 

Update: I was debating whether or not to put one of the entries as the header image, but in the end, I felt having our generic image up there would be best.

And, the poll results are set to private so that the winner will be genuinely surprised on Monday. We’ll post the full results on Monday as well.

Finally, yes, there is a hint in this post.