Mega Man 10 Art Fan Collaboration Pieces Teaser
Mar 29, 2010 // jgonzo
As you may or may not know, we had several people team up to collaborate on Mega Man 10 fan art and the results are nothing short of amazing. This is a spectacularly talented group of Capcom Unity members and I can’t wait to start showing you the entries. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be featuring a few pieces every day and by next week, I will have all of the judges’ votes (which will be made of Capcom US and Capcom Japan employees, including members of the Mega Man 10 team) tallied and winners shall be revealed!
Enjoy the tiny teasers you see up there. As for all the collab artists, I realize I said 11am PDT was the deadline today, but feel free to do any touch ups, etc, by midnight tonight as I won’t start posting entries until tomorrow.