Meet the Intern: Owen Johnson
Apr 24, 2010 // JuiceMasta
Hey All, Before I begin to fill your head with a mixture of relevant and nonsensical content, I thought it only proper to introduce myself; my name is Owen Johnson, and I’m an alcoholic a Product Marketing Intern. I donned the prestigious mantle about a month ago, and have since been serving under the esteemed Product Manager JohnD – scholar, gentleman, and all-around badass. I’ll be helping him out on such titles as Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Sengoku Basara in any and every way conceivable, which fortunately includes attending events such as E3 and San Diego Comic-Con It will come as no surprise to you that in the process of absorbing as much information as possible, it is my goal to get hired on as a full-time (paid) employee here at Capcom. Yes it would be nice to get compensated for my efforts, but more importantly I love Capcom and would like nothing more than to become an official member of the marketing team. Just to give you a brief history about me, I started my out-of-college career in commercial real estate – strange I know, but it was a bit of a family business and I was convinced that if I enjoyed it, I could be pretty successful. To keep this short, the reality of the matter was that I just wasn’t that into it. I did okay for myself financially speaking, but I was not enjoying it; a commercial real estate broker just wasn’t me. So what am I? I’m a hardcore gamer and always have been ever since I first picked up an Atari 2600 joystick. I decided then and there that I would work in the video game industry no matter how long it took, and now – after a very long and convoluted process – here I stand on Capcom’s golden shores with the glorious title of intern lovingly taped on my back. But hey, you certainly won’t find me complaining – I’m having a great time taking everything in and meeting all the wonderful people that make this company so exceptional. And let’s be honest, you gotta start somewhere, and all gamers know that the leveling process begins with 1. Cheers, OwenJ (The Juice Masta) P.S. – The virtual moniker I tend to go by is The Juice Masta , which inevitably becomes JuiceMasta, JuiceMa, or Juice for short. This is primarily due to my initials, but partial responsibility definitely lies in my affinity for its liquidy goodness; orange conquers all IMHO, in case you wanted to know. .