Meet the Captivate Community Attendees: FH
Apr 01, 2011 // jgonzo
Every year for our Captivate event, we hand select five individuals to join us who have done an outstanding job with the Capcom Community: whether it’s via forum moderation, maintaining a fan website, or something else entirely.
Today I’ll be introducing the last of five invitees, none other than Capcom Unity member FH (frosted hunter)!
FH has been with Capcom Unity forever (well five years) and he’s played an integral part in the Monster Hunter community. His programming knowledge helped us develop and mainstream our brand wiki system and he’s been an amazing mod ever since! Hit the jump to find out more about FH! (PS worst photoshop job ever, FH)
How did you find out about Capcom Unity?
I honestly don’t remember how I found out about Capcom-Unity, its been five years since my first post. I came to Capcom-Unity to get some help on a particularly frustrating guild quest in Monster Hunter Freedom. My question was answered quickly and I stuck around.
What do you enjoy about Capcom Unity?
I enjoyed the community, they were polite and looked out for each other, it was very different from any of the other sites I had found up until that point.
What are your favorite Capcom games?
My favourite Capcom games/series are Monster Hunter, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Resident Evil, P.N.03 (never got to finish it :[). I’m trying to work my way through Devil May Cry right now, but my attention is being stolen by other games.