Meet The Capcom Interns: Arya
Jun 25, 2009 // Arya
Hi Guys!
I’m Arya, the new summer marketing intern at Capcom. I think I’ll save you from the whole trite spiel of how I’ve been playing Capcom games all my life and how, when I was offered the internship here, I jumped in the air like a Rocky 3 freeze-frame ending. Oh wait…I think I just told you my whole story anyways. Tricked you!
Working for Capcom is exactly as awesome as you think it is. In my first week here I even got to go to E3! For someone that grew up reading about E3 and wishing he would hurry up and turn 18 so he could start his own phony game review site to get a pass, this was a huge deal! I was helping out the Lost Planet 2 team with demos I even got to try on the Dark Void costume!
That’s right baby. Bad MS-Paint compression and all.
Well then, I’ll get to the part you care about. Right now I’m working closely with the Marvel VS Capcom 2 and Fate/unlimited codes team, so you can hit me up anytime and bug me about the information I probably can’t tell you anyways. Non Disclosure Agreement Baby.
But in all seriousness, feel free to chat with me anytime about anything Capcom or other. I’m an avid gamer, big baller, and shot caller (my higher-ups forced me to disclaim that I’m neither one of those last two things)
Looking forward to talking to you guys. Be good to me
P.S. I will personally mail (1) pack of TU4AR mints (which I’ve consumed a metric ton of by now) and a Flock code to the person who can come up with the best caption for my soul-crushingly embarrassing introductory photo that they forced me to take 🙁
P.P.S Seth forced me to title my post as such. I am not that pretentious.