Marvel vs Capcom Origins coming to XBLA and PSN in September
Jul 05, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Just before the legendary EVO tournament kicks off this weekend, we’re happy to announce two of the ’90s’ biggest fighting titles are coming home in a slick dual pack. Marvel vs Capcom Origins arrives in September for $14.99 / 1200 MSP, containing Marvel Super Heroes and the original Marvel vs Capcom.
As with last year’s Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition, MvCO comes complete with all manner of graphics filters, dynamic challenges (aka those cool in-game achievements), online play with spectator modes and replay saving.
Marvel Super Heroes borrows some of the cast and mechanics of X-Men: Children of Atom and adds non-muties like Spider-Man, Iron Man and Captain America, plus villains Dr Doom and, of course, Thanos. I say “of course” because MSH pulls from the mega-awesome Infinity Gauntlet storyline and uses the Infinity Gems to spice up each battle; the Power, Space, Time, Reality, Soul and Mind gems each give you unique effects.
And then we all know the original MvC – it took the guts of X-Men vs Street Fighter, jumbled the roster a bit (including additions like Mega Man and Venom) and made the whole thing nuts . Already looking forward to banging my head against the wall fighting Onslaught..
Further good news – if you’re attending EVO or San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel vs Capcom Origins will be playable at both shows! We’ll also be streaming the title during SDCC, so even if you can’t make it, we’ll make sure to give you a tour of the features.