Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Media Explosion
Feb 15, 2011 // jgonzo
Yes, I realize that it’s 1AM PST, but we’ve got some exciting new Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 media to share with you! First is the much-anticipated episode FOUR trailer that you’ll find above! Be sure to watch all of it! Next, we got the full roster trailer after the jump, followed by your FIRST LOOK at new alternative costume DLC that will be available on March 1st ($5 on PSN, 400MS points on Xbox Live). Of course, March 1st also marks the day that the first Shadow Mode DLC pack will be available as well. Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath will be made available as DLC at a later date (for those that didn’t purchase the special edition of the game).
Screenshots can be found after the jump!