Marvel Vs Capcom 2: “It’s So Pringles!” Contest
Jul 31, 2009 // s-kill
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 is new on Xbox Live (and soon PSN), but is a game with a long history. One of the great things about that history is all the amazing in-game lingo the hardcore players have developed over the years, and in particular the East Coast (NYC) crew.
Perhaps the most zany and most famous of those terms is “pringles” (e.g. “oh he’s so pringles!”). If you have no idea what I’m talking about, watch this famous video (beware some adult language). It’s famous less for the play than for the infectious stream of Marvel slang that started players worldwide talking about pringles, curly mustaches, Haagen Dazs, and, um… the Knicks.
It was Michael “IFC Yipes” Mendoza in that video who introduced the world to the word “Pringles,” but just what exactly does it mean? Comment here and let me know what you think–winner takes home an actual can of actual Pringles, signed by the actual Yipes at EVO this year (where he did a great job on this year’s MVC2 commentary , and also placed 3rd!)
If you know the real meaning, great, but something new and even better than the real thing is eligible to win too–just make us smile. So… where’s yo curly mustaches at?