Marvel vs Capcom 2 Gamer Pics Available on XBL today!
Feb 10, 2010 // John Diamonon
*UPDATE!*: The answer is out there but no official winner yet!
*UPDATE #2*: Actually, we do have a winner! Congrats Twiggy! The answer is that Wolverine – Bone Claw is missing. There was no need to have the same character included twice since the difference was just a “claw” change. There is a slight difference in the character select screen avatars. The expression is slightly different between the two Wolverines. Adamantium Wolverine is showing more teeth!
You En Eye Tee Why! WHY? Because we like you son! (old Mickey Mouse reference for the older folks)
Enough of the pleasantries, let’s get down to bidness. So, to coincide with the Marvel vs Capcom 2 Deal of the Week on XBL, (if you’re aren’t one of the over half a million people on Xbox LIVE who hasn’t already bought the game, what the hell are you waiting for?) we are offering official MvC2 gamerpic packages today. Now you can finally have that Shuma-Gorath gamerpic you always wanted.
Hit the jump for more details and a contest!
Today, we have three sets of 10 pics available for only 160 MS points.
The Metal Head Collection: The Iron Man, War Machine, Doctor Doom, Sentinel, Juggernaut (yes, I know his gear is not made out of metal), Mega Man, Roll, Servbot, Tron Bonne and Zangief
The Lovers, Villains, and Babes Collection: Magneto, Rogue, Gambit, Blackheart, Spiral, B.B. Hood, Chun Li, Cammy, M. Bison and Felicia
The Wow, That’s a lot of Popular Characters in this Collection Collection: Cyclops, Cable, Storm, Psylocke, Colossus, Ryu, Ken, Morigan, Jill Valentine and Akuma
Tomorrow , two sets of 10 pics and one set of 5 pics (80 MS points) will be available for a total of 55 gamerpics! (I think that’s a record)
The Wolverine is Enough to Sell This Collection Collection: Wolverine, Omega Red, Sabretooth, Silver Samurai, Marrow, Son Son, Charlie, Dhalsim, Jin and Hayato
The Saikyou Heroes Collection: Spider-Man, Hulk, Captain
And the package that’s guaranteed to be a fan favorite…..
The Who Selected You to Be in this Game Collection: Thanos, Shuma-Gorath, Ruby Heart, Amingo and Anarkis
So why only 55 gamerpics? I thought there were 56 playable characters in MvC2? Who’s missing and why? Well, the first person to give me that answer will receive one of my last, remaining MvC2 vinyls signed by the legendary DJ Qbert himself!!!!!!! (I can only ship to the continental US, sorry). See, I told you I gots love for ya!
Oh, and PSN fans, don’t fret. I got a little something something for you. Check back next week right here on Unity and my return on PS blog (after a 4 month ban – they can’t handle me there) for a cool PSN announcement.
Yours truly,
John D