Marvel VERSUS Capcom Art 2 – Packaging Edition
Sep 15, 2011 // Ryan
The Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 packaging is getting the two-sided treatment! The front of the game’s coversheet will feature the art of Shinkiro, which you should be familiar with from Comic Con, but we’re also including an alternate cover for fans of a more ‘comic-book’ art style. Marvel’s Mark Brooks, known for his work illustrating the X-Men , Spider-Man , and Young Avengers comics, has created a masterpiece featuring all twelve of the game’s new characters.
The best part about this is that you don’t have to choose a favorite in real life–you get both! But for our own bragging rights, we’re asking you to choose: which piece do you like better? Last time we gave out t-shirts to a few commenters with good reasons, and we’ll do the same this week! Vote in the poll below and let us know your reasons in the comments.