Luke, Street Fighter V’s Final Character, has Entered the Ring!
Nov 29, 2021 // Dan
Street Fighter V’s final character has arrived, bringing with him an offensive playstyle and unique mechanics never seen before in SFV. With his confident demeanor, Luke is looking to make a major impact in the world of Street Fighter, present and future.
We did a deep dive into Luke and his gameplay mechanics in SFV during the SFV Fall Update, so be sure to check out the video and blog for all the details.
Street Fighter’s Future is Luke-ing bright!
Brand new to the Street Fighter series, Luke is an eager and headstrong character who experiences a tragic childhood event that brings him to enlist in the U.S. military.

By playing Luke’s story you’ll discover more about how he came to meet up with other members of the SFV cast and how he ties in to the overarching narrative.
Combining Military with MMA
Luke’s various costumes incorporate aspects of his military background and MMA-inspired fighting style. Here’s SFV Director Takayuki Nakayama to explain the inspiration with these concept art images:
Default Costume
“The BUCKLER written on the upper right is a private military company. The president of the company saw Luke’s performance and felt that he was a young and active fighter, and decided to sponsor him.”
Story Costume
“Luke has a unique way of wearing his uniforms. He is not particular about his clothes and doesn’t seem to care much about the size of his shoes. He seems to have a habit of stepping on the heels of his shoes.”
Battle Costume
“Luke has loved basketball since he was a child and today he loves both sports and action games. However, he stays away from horror games as they’re too scary.”
Luke is Fully Armed and Ready

Shown off during the SFV Fall Update, Luke’s move set involves unique mechanics that are brand new to SFV. In addition to standards, such as a zoning projectile in “Sand Blaster” or an anti-air with “Rising Rocket,” Luke comes equipped with various target combos and methods of getting in on his opponents.

His V-Trigger is special in that the V-Timer increases as time goes by or as he does damage using specific moves, giving him an edge against opponents who run away once Luke activates his V-Trigger. On the other hand, if Luke takes damage, his V-Timer decreases, rewarding opponents who manage to stay on offense versus Luke.

And that wraps up the introduction of Luke! Luke’s here to make waves in SFV, but he’s also preparing to be a major player in the next Street Fighter project. Luke is available now on PlayStation 4 and Steam as part of the Season 5 Character Pass, the Season 5 Premium Pass, and individually for $5.99 or 100,000 Fight Money.

Also don’t miss out discounts on SFV, Champion Edition, and the Upgrade Kit through the PlayStation Black Friday Sale (ending soon!) and Steam Autumn Sale!

With Luke’s inclusion, the SFV cast rounds out to a total of forty-five characters, full of newcomers as well as returning veterans. This completes the Season 5 Character and Premium passes! Although Luke is the last character in SFV, there’s still more content coming next year! We still have a Battle Balance update to look forward to in March 2022 as well as the Capcom Pro Tour 2022 bundle. Once again, we thank you all for your continued support throughout these years and look forward to bringing you more Street Fighter news soon!
Brands: Street Fighter