Lowlights Montage from the Street Fighter USA Cart

Jan 04, 2008 // s-kill

Biggest Street Fighter abomination? 20 years of Street Fighter has given us a wide array from which to choose. Street Fighter: The Movie ? Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game ? Oh no, my friends, it‒s USA’s Street Fighter cartoon . Now THIS is how you murder a brand! Notable moments include Zangief taking a fireball to the groin, mini-Guile getting pushed around by other regular-sized Street Fighters, Ryu and Ken battling for pillow-fighter supremacy, Balrog doing some computer hacking while still wearing his boxing gloves, Bison juggling, Honda buttflopping onto a pack of unconscious cyber-wolves, Blanka‒s role in the Arab/Israeli conflict, and tons confusing sexual innuendos that don’t quite work. Thanks to Capcom Unity forum member The Switcher for putting this together and sharing.