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Looking Back as Resident Evil 4

Feb 27, 2014 // Neil Gortz

Hey Folks,

Neil Gortz here, I for one am looking forward to Resident Evil 4 HD hitting PC’s tomorrow, like many of you I have owned it on multiple systems and have completed it probably more times than I should yet I still can’t get enough. When we on the Unity team learned RE4 HD was on its way I took some time to once more battle through it on the 360 and captured a little footage of my favourite moments at the same time.

Being set somewhere in deep dark Europe as a Brit I think I always felt that this was MY Resident Evil, a game far away from the mean streets of Raccoon City. I was probably a little too young to appreciate the innovation going on here when I first played it but it was a game that certainly wasn’t short on great memories – here are some of my thoughts on it and please leave your own fond memories of Resident Evil 4 below.