Like Street Fighter? Let Capcom Fly you to the SFIV Launch Party
Jan 30, 2009 // s-kill
We’re hooking up one lucky Unity member with a plane ticket, hotel, and VIP admission to February 12th’s star-studded Los Angeles Street Fighter IV launch event.
How can that person be you? Simple: Buy a raffle ticket.
How does that work? Welcome to Capcom Unity auctions and raffles . This is where you can find everything from one-of-a-kind Capcom items to signed goodies to Japanese exclusives to miscellaneous junk we find in drawers (German Resident Evil novels, anyone?).
We’ve been running this program in a kind of alpha stage for a few weeks now , but we think it’s time to let the rest of the world know what we’re up to.
Auctions are pretty much exactly what you might imagine. You bid on stuff, and when the auction ends, high bid takes the item. Raffles are also as advertised–you buy a raffle ticket, and you’re entered to win in a random drawing for the prize. The more raffle tickets you buy, the better your odds of winning (but even one ticket keeps you in the running).
The best part about this is that it’s all free. You don’t use any money, you bid in auctions and buy raffle tickets using your Capcom Unity points. You get the points by signing up and getting involved in the site–blogging, posting in the forums, uploading pics, etc. They’re a fun way of keeping score on their own, but they also net you the opportunity to score awesome Capcom stuff that you can’t buy anywhere.
We’re currently raffling off the VIP trip to the SFIV launch party. You must be 21 years old to be eligible to win (though anyone 18+ can get into the event itself), and we can only fly you in from the continental U.S. (no Alaska or Hawaii =( ). Up for auction is one of the impossible-to-find-anywhere Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition arcade sticks .
If you’re new here, sign up–you’ll find you’ve got enough points for some raffle tickets after registering and making your first posts. If you want more tickets, have a conversation, share your thoughts on a recent game, upload a photo, etc. You’ll be earning points the whole time (spammers are banned, thx!).
Try it out today, and keep an eye on Raffles and Auctions going forward. In addition to special prizes like this, we’ve got new raffle and auction material going up every few days, so stick around and keep your eyes peeled.