Less pixels, more fantastic Monster Hunter art
Nov 12, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
If you woke up today feeling like you needed neat, retro-looking Monster Hunter pixel fan art (happened to me), here’s some rad pieces I was able to find:
The header image is an amazing rendition of the Rathalos from Japanese dotllect member 夜夢 and he also made a kick-ass Tigrex too!
Duramboros from the fyeahmonsterhunter tumblr
A collection of pixel art monsters from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite that are super cute, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the original creator. Found it here though.
Speaking of cute, look at this hunter wearing a Diablos Z set, by windship .
And a fantastic GameBoy demake by Xeno-striker . Also reminds me of that awesome piece by armyoftrolls , but it’s totally different.
You know, at one point today I had more than 20 tabs open on my browser, so narrowing it down to these 5 was not an easy task. But if you’re a pixel artist, please feel free to make some MH art and send them my way – I’d love to write more articles about less pixels. Come to think of it, I wanna see more of any kind of art related to MH. 😉