Learn about all the new features of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
May 29, 2013 // GregaMan
Over the past several weeks, we’ve looked at the various character classes and core features of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. But what about the new stuff? If you’re already familiar with both games in the collection, you’ll be pleased to know that they’ve been jazzed up with an impressive array of new features. Read all about ‘em below!
Online & Local Co-op Play

Not only does Chronicles of Mystara preserve the 4-player simultaneous co-op of the arcade for the first time on home consoles (even the Japan-only Saturn collection only offered 2-player), but it lets you take that cooperative experience online. Both games in the collection will take advantage of reliable GGPO netcode to allow for drop-in/drop-out cooperative play with people around the world. If you want to kick it old school and invite your buddies over for a house session, you can do it that way as well!
This also means that you’ll be able to play with us here at Capcom Unity when the game comes out! Do I smell a Unity badge?
Challenge System

Similar to Trophies and Achievements, these in-game challenges encourage you to try new things and think about how you play. Completing Challenges will earn you Vault Points, which can be used to unlock all sorts of goodies in. . .
The Vault

Go here to exchange Vault Points (see above) for all kinds of goodies, such as concept art, “Secret Files,” and. . .
House Rules

If you’re looking to spice these games up with something new, the House Rules are for you. Unlocked via the game’s “Vault,” House Rules provide a variety of significant changes to the games’ basic rules. Sick of having your hard-earned Equipment break? Try activating the “Unbreakable” rule to keep your goods in one piece. Wishing you had more opportunities to heal your character? Try turning on “Vampirism” to get a little health every time you land an attack. Once unlocked, rules can be combined as you see fit, allowing for thousands of variations.
Character Visualizer

Simple but cool, this UI enhancement tracks which character classes you and your friends have been using the most. Use it to maintain a balanced party and get outside your comfort zone!
Leaderboards & Connected Arcade

Compete with your so-called friends via online leaderboards. Also get a thorough breakdown of your gameplay stats here.
Visual Filters

As has become tradition with our digital remasters, D&D:CoM will let players choose from a variety of display modes, including widescreen, stretched, or classic over-the-shoulder arcade view. You can also tinker with various filters to make the graphics smoother or crisper, and toggle scan lines on and off.
Scan lines, over-the-shoulder view
No scan lines, widescreen view, crisp filter on.
Wii U Touch Screen Enhancements

Got the Wii U version? Use the GamePad’s touchscreen to manage your inventory with ease!

In addition to the in-game Challenge System, the collection will have Trophy and Achievement support comparable to other digital titles.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara is due out this June on PSN, Xbox LIVE, Wii U e-Shop, and PC for $14.99.